
Contains classes for setting up electromagnetic field grids and boundary conditions.

class epocpp.Simulation.Simulation(nx=0, ny=0, nz=0, infile=None, half_step=True, verbosity=0, combine=True)#

Bases: Structure

creates a struct to match Simulation_t

property bc_xmax#
property bc_xmin#
property bc_ymax#
property bc_ymin#
property bc_zmax#
property bc_zmin#
property bcs#
property bx#
property by#
property bz#
c = 299792458.0#
property dt#
property dt_multiplier#
property ex#
property ey#
property ez#
property iofreq#
property jx#
property jy#
property jz#
property ndims#
property nproc#
property nprocx#
property nprocy#
property nprocz#
property nx#
property ny#
property nz#
property rank#
property runtime#
solve(nsteps=-1, t_end=-1.0)#
property step#
property sx#
property sy#
property sz#
property time#
property x#
property xmax#
property xmin#
property y#
property ymax#
property ymin#
property z#
property zmax#
property zmin#