
The installation procedure differs if you wish to build EPOC++ as a C++ library or as a Python library.

Building for C++#

The C++ build process is managed using CMake, so this must be installed on your system before you begin. The first step is configure the project. The following should be called from the top level of the repo:

$ cmake -Bbuild .

This instructs CMake to configure the project in the ./build directory. You can also specify additional options using -DOPTION=ARG. The supported options include:

  • PARALLEL: Set to ON to enable message-passing parallelism using MPI. This must be installed on your system.

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug will enable debug info and disable optimisations, while Release will turn on optimisations. Defaults to Release.

  • VISIT_DIR: Setting this to a directory where the VisIt visualisation tool is installed will build in support for in-situ visualisation with VisIt. See the VisIt support section for further details.

The next step is to build the project:

$ cmake --build build [-j] [--verbose]

Here, the -j flag builds the project in parallel, and --verbose prints more details to the terminal. Once built, an executable epocpp will be located within the directory ./build/bin.

Building for Python#

The Python build process is managed using scikit-build-core, which configures a Python project using both pyproject.toml and a CMake file. It is recommended to install EPOC++ into a fresh Python environment to keep your system environment clean:

$ python3 -m venv venv  # Create a new virtual environment at ./venv
$ source venv/bin/activate  # Enter new environment

From here, we can install using pip:

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install .

We can then test that the install has succeeded using:

$ python -c "import epocpp; print(epocpp.__version__)"

When you’re done, remember to exit this environment:

$ deactivate

By default, the package installed by Pip has all optional features switched off, such as MPI support. This can be activated by providing the following extra argument:

$ pip install . --config-settings=cmake.define.PARALLEL=ON

Please see the Building for C++ section for information on the other options available.

Building Python for Developers#

To assist with iterative development practices, EPOC++ may be installed in editable mode. This ensures that changes to the code will be immediately reflected in the tests without the need to reinstall. However, due to the presence of compiled components, this takes a little more work than usual.

To begin, we must manually install the build dependencies for the project:

$ pip install scikit-build-core~=0.6.0 \
  setuptools-scm~=8.0 \
  pyproject-metadata \

The following command will then install in editable mode:

$ pip install -ve . \
  --no-build-isolation \
  --config-settings=editable.rebuild=true \
  --config-settings=build-dir="build_py/{wheel_tag}" \
  --config-settings=cmake.define.PARALLEL=ON \"Debug" \

The setting --no-build-isolation instructs pip to build the project in the current Python environment instead of making a new one. Setting editable.rebuild=true will rebuild the C++ components each time the package is imported. To ensure only the necessary components are recompiled on each import, we also set the build directory to ./build_py rather than a temporary directory. The other flags are optional.


To test the C++ code, configure and build the project with the flag epocpp_BUILD_TESTS=ON:

$ cmake -Bbuild . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPARALLEL=ON \
  -Depocpp_BUILD_TESTS=ON [-Depocpp_TEST_PROCS=2]
$ cmake --build build

The optional flag epocpp_TEST_PROCS controls how many MPI processes are used in the tests (note that this will duplicate the test IO). Tests can then be run using ctest from the build directory:

$ cd build && ctest

You can also run the executable in the build directory:

$ ./build/bin/epocpp

To test the Python code:

$ pip install .[test]
$ pytest -v tests

VisIt support#

The code can optionally be built with support for in-situ visualisation using the VisIt visualisation tool. To do so, add the VISIT_DIR flag to cmake in the configuration step. If the visit executable is in your PATH then this can be achieved as follows:

$ cmake . -Bbuild \
  -DVISIT_DIR=$(visit -env | grep -w VISITARCHHOME | cut -f2 -d=)
$ cmake --build build -j

When running the code, you must also set an environment variable to set the library search path so that epocpp can find the VisIt libraries at run time. To enable the VisIt interface, it is also necessary to run epocpp using the --visit flag. Assuming that visit is in your PATH, the following command should work on a Linux machine:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(visit -env | grep -w LD_LIBRARY_PATH | cut -f2 -d=) \
  ./build/bin/epocpp --visit --paused

On MacOS, replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. In this example, we have also specified the additional flag --paused. When this flag is supplied, the code will start in a paused state and will not carry out any simulation timesteps until the VisIt program connects and instructs the code to start running. If the --paused flag is omitted then epocpp will begin cycling through simulation steps immediately and will only pause execution when a VisIt program connects to it.

When epocpp is run using the --visit flag, the code prints a message to screen similar to the following:

Writing VisIt simulation file: /home/user/.visit/simulations/001705436749.epocpp.sim2

This is the path to a file that must be opened by VisIt in order to connect to the running simulation. To visualise the results, launch VisIt and open the file using VisIt’s “Open” menu button. Once the connection is established, VisIt’s “Add” button in the “Plots” section of the main interface should no longer be greyed out. The simulation can be controlled by selecting the “File -> Simulations…” menu item. This should open a new control pane which looks similar to the following:

VisIt menu

The buttons in the Commands section control the execution of the EPOCpp simulation. Run starts or resumes timestepping of the code. Halt pauses execution. Step will advance the code by one timestep before pausing. If a variable has been plotted then by default, the plot will not update whilst the code is running since this would slow down execution of the code. Pressing the Toggle Updates button will change this behaviour so that the plot is re-drawn after each timestep. Pressing the button again will revert back to plots not being updated.

NOTE: Plotting of particle data and 1d simulations are not yet supported